Monday, November 5, 2007

Union Turns Writers Into Wimps

What a bunch of crybabies. I heard one Hollywood writer on the radio this morning and he made me laugh. He was whining like a four-year old who thinks she has a right to dessert every night. Any person who turns their life over to the Writers Guild of America, or any union, ought to know that their life is no more their own. They exchange their freedom for a paycheck. These are the wimps of the country and sadly the wimps are gaining on those of us who create the real prosperity.

These pitiful wimps don't understand how money works. This particular set of wimps ought to look at how our governor got rich. Early on in his acting career Schwarzenegger stopped thinking of himself as an actor and started thinking of himself as a partner in movie deals. His job on the deal was partly to act but the partnership meant he got no paycheck for the work; he only shared in the profits when and if they materialized.

Pay-for-performance, not pay-for-hanging around, is the way most small business owners run their business and certainly it is the only way we pay ourselves. If our idea works we get rich. If our idea fails, we go back and work on the idea and try again. If you're tired of being a wimp, you can change. Take inspiration from the owners of Renegade Animation. They used to get a paycheck but now they write them.