Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Politicians Say They Can Make Change

Listening to all of the politicians is dizzying. But, they are on to the right topic. When something doesn't work, we have to change what we're doing. The big problem is that the establishment doesn't want their perfect little lives messed with. I am talking about every person who gets a check from the Federal Government. With the exception of those who wear our military uniforms, the government barely works.

We owners are lucky that we can think of a new idea and make it happen fairly quickly. That's the fun part about having a small business. We can gather everyone together in one room, describe our new idea, receive input from everyone who will be affected by the change then design a plan to make it happen.

Steve Hoffman changed his product offer when it dawned on him that he had systems for his very small business that would support a much larger operation. He went from double digit millions to triple digit millions. Nice change, Steve.