Monday, January 7, 2008

What Is Your Real Growth Potential?

When you started your business you may have never wanted to grow past a few million in annual revenue. Or, you may have already surpassed your most optimistic dreams! This happened to Scott Mooney and then he got hooked on growth. As a high school kid he opened a retail store and was able to run it as he convinced the school authorities to let him go to night school with the juvenile delinquents. I'm not kidding.

Soon he had put his competitor out of business then he realized that he had no more growth potential if he stuck with the same business model. Scott decided to move from running a big retail store in the tiny town of Ottumwa, Iowa to building a database which allowed him to sell to any customer who had a mailing address. When he reached $18 million in sales, he sold to go after some new challenges.