Sunday, March 23, 2008

All You Need is Love

When Bruce and I arrived at church this Easter morning, the band was playing that great Beatles song, "All You Need is Love," and the pastor’s sermon echoed that sentiment. As Christians we consider Easter the most important day of the year and it is always a celebration of love. This made me think about so many of our friends who are business owners and who have "All You Need is Love" as the theme of their lives.

When Gary Walls was told that his kidney disease meant he could no longer teach and coach in a high school, he launched a company called, Trailblazer Foods. We met him as he was being recognized as small business person of the year from the state of Oregon and he changed us all completely. In the midst of battling an insidious disease, this exceptional man decided to start a business because he needed something to do while living through the difficult and terrifying treatment.

Time with Gary revealed that the foundation of his life was love. He loved walking in the fields to watch the berries ripen and loved turning them into delicious jams, jellies and syrups so that others could enjoy his beloved Oregon berries. However, more than anything he loved people and especially his family, customers and employees. He is in a better place now and we are still here to tell you that he built a multi-million dollar company while in great pain but with great love in his heart.