Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Business is Color Blind

Barack Obama made a speech and some say it was transcending and instructive. I read it and it brought me to tears although I can't vote for him because I don't agree with his approach to solving this nation's problems. He believes government and a host of expensive government-run and taxpayer-funded programs can solve all the ills of society. That's why I found it interesting in his speech that he acknowledges that the real solution lies in "taking full responsibility for our own lives - by demanding more from our fathers, and spending more time with our children...they must always believe they can write their own destiny."

We've had the privilege of getting to know two very successful business men who have transcended racial barriers and epitomize the meaning of creating their own destiny. Arnold Joseff and George Hill didn't need a lecture from any candidate to tell them how to treat, interact, hire or fire another precious human being that I believe was created by God. These two men have been buddies since childhood. They are the perfect example of how business people think in terms of talent, performance and service. If you are a business owner who has problems with people who are different from you, you are leaving money on the table. All of the rich owners we know are color blind and they enjoy a wealthy life that includes more than just a healthy bank account.