Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Democrats, Employees and Customers Choose Nice

It might be over for Hillary and it's because she is not a nice person. Hillary comes off as a know-it-all who prefers to dominate and control others. She is the type of person no one wants to work for and she provides some lessons for those of us who are trying to build a business. Since I don't know any of her current employees forgive me for jumping to conclusions but I am sure I am right. People may work for her because they believe in her cause or to get paid millions but I don't believe that people are drawn to her.

We have filmed hundreds of interviews with business owners and film doesn't lie. I spend about 100 hours with each owner as I work through the edit process. I can freeze frames and look right into that person's heart and mind. These men and women are wildly successful and I found all of them to have lovely personalities.

The point is, a jerk is not very good at building a business from scratch. The exception is when a jerk gets millions from an investor or already has millions to go out and hire top talent. That top talent can be recruited with stock options or a big check then that top talent puts his nose to the grindstone and helps to build the business.

It takes a nice person to recruit, train and grow talent internally. To grow a business, you must become the person people want to work for. I asked Pamela Rodger and Lupe Fraga if being nice translates to the bottom line and they both said, "Of course."