English philosopher Francis Bacon once said that "Young people are more fit for new projects than for settled business." It is summer so high school and college students need work, and chances are, your business' technology could use some updating, too.
While you and your older employees have learned to use the Internet to get work done, 16-20 year olds have used the Internet for play. That means they have experimented a lot and have probably discovered some tools and sites that you should know about. Technology is second nature to them and you could gain tremendous advantages simply by tapping into their computing knowledge to have them build databases or do web research for you.
Not only are today's young people technically savvy, they can be a cost-effective solution to help you with short-term projects in the business. Nicole Miller, the New York-based fashion house, and Mir, Fox & Rodriguez, a CPA firm in Houston have put interns to work, teaching them business principles that will serve them well in the future, as well as nurturing the next wave of talent.
Is there a project in your business that could tap into our youth's expertise and increase your return on the dollar you pay out to employees at the same time? Try a few summer interns. You'll be doing both of you a big favor.