Sunday, December 23, 2007

Give Your Heart

We went to the Crystal Cathedral's Glory of Christmas a few days ago. It is a magnificent and stirring telling of the Christmas story. A little boy shepherd sang a song that I remember singing myself years ago. The lyrics tell us that as he watches the Wise Men bring their extravagant gifts to the baby Jesus he realizes that he is so poor there is nothing he can give to the baby that would measure up next to the gold, frankincense and myrrh. The song ends with the little boy deciding that he could only give what he had so he offered his heart.

Small business owners run their businesses with their heads and their hearts. When we can't give the highest wages in town we find ways to give our hearts to employees. At Gadabout SalonSpas, employees teared up when they told me what it means to them to work for Pam McNair. More than one employee said, "Pam changed my life."

Pam obviously gives her heart.