Sunday, December 16, 2007

Saying Merry Christmas Works

Veteran business reporter Neil Cavuto said on his television show yesterday that he has research that quantifies the use of the expression, "Merry Christmas" versus the catch-all greeting, "Happy Holidays." He said that stores who use "Merry Christmas" make more profits than ones who have been using, "Happy Holidays." Since I didn't stop to listen to the entire story I can't tell you the source of the research. However, I know that if you are a small business owner who celebrates Christmas yourself, you should feel comfortable saying, "Merry Christmas" to your customers.

I have Jewish friends who love Christmas and when I say, "Merry Christmas" to them they say it back to me! So don't be shy. We now have research that proves the best strategy is honesty and authenticity. Your customers will respect you and keep buying from you. No need to take the politically correct path because that path is made plastic that has cracked up under the pious pressure of a very small group of aging activists.

Merry Christmas everyone.