Monday, December 3, 2007

The U.N. is Corrupt so Ignore Bali

Most American newspapers have an article on the front page today about the United Nations kicking off a two-week conference set in Bali which will focus on global warming. Two weeks? Does that mean that the U.N. PR machine will be pumping out news releases for the next 14 days designed to make us hard-working-fossil-fuel-driven prosperous Americans feel guilty? Yes. The good part is that as a small business owner you can ignore this blab-fest.

Don't feel guilty, feel happy! Feel happy because we've just entered the Christmas season and as I have already written about in this blog, you can use the global warming hysteria as a business management tool.

For example, tell your customers you are working to save energy and invite them to sign up to pay your invoices electronically. Right now I am laughing out loud because all of the people who actually have been brainwashed to believe that this will make a difference in the temperature at the North Pole, will take your offer quicker than they would have a year ago.

And, just think. You have turned the global warming scare into a cash management solution for your business. For more on running your business by the numbers, watch and listen to my favorite number cruncher, Jim Schell.